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Painters Botticelli | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Credi | F.Bartolomeo | D. Ghirlandaio | R. Ghirlandaio | Granacci | Gaddi | Cambio | Lippi | Biondo Tancredi | Perugino |
Domenico Ghirlandaio “Saint Stephen between Saint James and St. Peter” at the Accademia Gallery in Florence
Domenico Ghirlandaio (June 2, 1448 — January 11, 1494)Painting - Tempera on wood -(174.5 x 172 cm) 1493

Domenico Ghirlandaio This work by Domenico Ghirlandaio was in the church of Santa Maria Maddalena de Pazzi in Florence.
It was commissioned by Stefano Pietro di Jacopo Boni to decorate the chapel he had built in March 1492.
Indeed, the three saints Boni asked to represent in Ghirlandaio correspond to his own names: Saint Stephen, St. Peter and Saint James.
Stephen (Stefano) was Boni's personal name, while his other two names, Peter (Pietro) and James (Jacopo) were those of his father and grandfather.
Domenico Ghirlandaio represented these three saints dressed in the old style and standing in front of three beautiful richly decorated marble niches.
The vault of each of the niches has the shape of a shell to remind the pilgrims' great scallop.
The three saints each carry a book.
Saint James holds a pilgrim stick, Saint Stephen the palm of martyrdom and Saint Peter a key.

Domenico Ghirlandaio The floor has marquetry of polychrome, red, white and black marbles.
Ghirlandaio took advantage of this architectural background to highlight these three saints using the chiaroscuro technique.
The representation of the folds of their clothes is of great beauty and shows all the know-how of Ghirlandaio. The faces are also very expressive.
Saint James is lost in his thoughts; Saint Stephen is ready to express himself while Saint Peter looks at us.
The harmony, richness and delicacy of tones, positioning and attitudes of the three saints are perfect, as is the architectural background.
This painting contains many great pictorial choices highlighted by Ghirlandaio's talent, which give a lot of presence to these three saints.
Painters Botticelli | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Credi | F.Bartolomeo | D. Ghirlandaio | R. Ghirlandaio | Granacci | Gaddi | Cambio | Lippi | Biondo Tancredi | Perugino |
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