Accademia Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Tours Tickets Uffizi | Accademia | Duomo | Museums | Churches | Florence | Taste | Getaways
Opening Hours Skip the Line Tickets, Guided Tours of the Accademia Gallery in Florence in Italy
The Accademia Gallery is one of the most visited museums in Florence with One million visitors per year, so you can wait up to two hours to buy your ticket, ruining all the pleasure of your visit.The only way to avoid this awful queue is to buy a skip-the-line ticket online or book a guided tour that always includes a skip-the-line entrance ticket.

Michelangelo David Accademia Gallery
Skip the Line Accademia Gallery
Smartphone Tickets AcceptedSkip the Line Accademia €19-23 ➤
Skip the Line Accademia + Uffizi
Smartphone Tickets AcceptedAccademia + Uffizi + Audio €52-72 ➤
Accademia + Uffizi €89 ➤
Skip the Line Dome Brunelleschi + Accademia + Uffizi
Billets sur Mobile acceptésFlorence Pass €109-127 ➤
Guided tours Accademia Gallery
Smartphone Tickets AcceptedMorning Accademia €49-59 ➤
Tour Florence + Accademia €69 ➤

Allegory of Spring - Uffizi Gallery
Accademia + Uffizi Guided Tours
Smartphone Tickets AcceptedFlorence+Accademia+Uffizi €107 ➤
Accademia + Uffizi Tour €123 ➤
Accademia Opening Hours and Days
Every day 9:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m.Closed on Monday
Tips to visit the Accademia Gallery in Florence
Cloakroom, Backpacks and Drinks at the Accademia Gallery
The museum does not have a cloakroom. Due to security measures, you will not be allowed to enter the museum if you have a large backpack or bag, helmets and other bulky items are also prohibited. A bottle of water with a maximum capacity of half a litre is allowed, which we recommend as there are no cafeteria or dispensers inside the museum.Tours Tickets Uffizi | Accademia | Duomo | Museums | Churches | Florence | Taste | Getaways
Accademia Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
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