Palazzo Vecchio Art Story | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Art Story Five-Hundred | Tower | Vasari Halls | Dante Mask | Ghirlandaio | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Salviati | Cortile
Ghirlandaio Lily Room | Priors Chapel | Green Room
Chapel of the Priors of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio at the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence in Italy

Chapel of the Priors In the Palazzo Vecchio is the chapel intended for the priors, a chapel dedicated to Saint Bernard.
The priors met there to pray before meeting in the courtroom to make their decisions public.
In the initial chapel, the seal of Signoria, the Pandects (the entire collection of Roman jurisconsults' decisions) and the gospels' book were kept.
On the other hand, it is not known where exactly this first chapel was located, the current one being built later in 1511.
Ridolfo, son of Domenico Ghirlandaio, was commissioned to decorate it in 1514.
Ghirlandaio Lily Room | Priors Chapel | Green Room
Art Story Five-Hundred | Tower | Vasari Halls | Dante Mask | Ghirlandaio | Bronzino Sarto Daddi | Salviati | Cortile
Palazzo Vecchio Art Story | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
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