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Last Judgment Last Universal Judgment | Frescoes Pictures | View from the Dome
Last Universal Judgment Frescoes of Brunelleschi's Dome by Giorgio Vasari in Florence in Italy
The Frescoes of Universal Judgment in Florence

Last Universal Judgment The frescoes inside the dome represent the Universal Judgment, Christendom and its symbols.
They were painted from 1572 to 1579, by Giorgio Vasari until his death in 1574, then by Federico Zuccari.
It was Grand Duke Cosimo I de Medici who appointed Giorgio Vasari for the execution of the frescoes intended to decorate the interior of the dome.
A gigantic work of 3,600 Square metres of frescoes representing 700 characters including:

Last Universal Judgment 248 Angels,
235 Souls,
21 Personifications,
102 Religious figures,
35 Damned,
13 Portraits,
14 Monsters,
23 Cherubs,
12 Animals.
Just under the lantern is depicted the biblical tabernacle of the Ark of the Covenant with, represented in 8 groups of three, the twenty-four crowned elders of the Apocalypse.
The representation of the Universal Judgment comes from a Benedictine theologian, Vincenzo Borghini, who wrote a very detailed text for the use of Vasari.

Last Universal Judgment The iconography of the dome depicts the seven vices confronted by the seven virtues allied to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the seven beatitudes.
Vincenzo Borghini, in his letter to Giorgio Vasari, asks him to distinguish seven degrees, one for each section of the vault.
The central pan being occupied by Jesus Christ judge.
Starting from the top, we see a row of angels' choirs wearing an instrument of Passion.
Next comes the row of Saints and Blessed, followed below by triads of gifts of the Holy Spirit, Beatitudes and Virtues.

Last Universal Judgment Each triad on each side of the dome represents, next to each other, a gift of the Holy Spirit, a Virtue and between the two, the Beatitude.
Finally, the lowest level corresponds to hell. On each side is represented as a mortal sin or vice.
On the side of the vault opposite to the one presenting Jesus Christ is depicted sentenced Lucifer.
At the top, we read the inscriptions, carried by the angels, “INRI" Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum” and “Ecce Homo”.

Last Universal Judgment Then there are two choirs of angelic seraphim and cherubim above Jesus Christ.
Under Jesus Christ, we can see the Virgin Mary, in prayer and worship, then Adam and Eve and the Florentine Saints positioned as intercessors.
We can then see the three theological virtues, at the centre Charity, the most important virtue, and on each side of it, Hope and Faith.
We can then see a female figure depicting the church who strips away from its militant reality, earthly, to become triumphant.
Other allegories depict the time that stops with a broken hourglass and others that look at the end, the annihilation of death.

Last Universal Judgment
In hell, one can see the sin of Envy, represented by the hydra.
Facing Envy and in opposition, is depicted the triad composed of the Beatitude of the Peaceful, the gift of wisdom and the virtue of neighbour's love.
Above are the Apostles and Patriarchs, crowned by the choirs of Angels of the Throne carrying the cross.
In the third section, one can see the sin of laziness, represented by a donkey, which is opposed by the Beatitude of the benevolent, the gift of the Holy Spirit of intelligence and the virtue of prudence.
Above the Blessed and Saints are represented popes, bishops and priests.

Florence's Giotto Bell Tower The powers are a choir of angels bearing the column of flogging.
The climb to the dome of Brunelleschi (463 steps!) is one of the most beautiful experiences you can experience in Florence: unforgettable!
Being able to see these beautiful frescoes from the Last Judgment is both moving and fascinating.
You can also understand and experience the dome's architecture since access to the lantern is between the two caps of Florence's dome.
Finally, when you reach the terrace at the top of the dome, at the level of its lantern, you will be overwhelmed by the magnificent view of Florence.
Last Judgment Last Universal Judgment | Frescoes Pictures | View from the Dome
Duomo Architecture | Last Judgment | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
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