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Sculptures Sacristy | Lorenzo Magnificent | Dawn and Dusk | Night and Day | Michelangelo Drawings
Giuliano's Tomb Duke Giuliano | The Night | The Day
Michelangelo “Day” on Giuliano de Medici's Tomb, New Sacristy in Florence
Sculpture - Carrara marble (160 x 150 x 80 cm) 1524-1534
Michelangelo, “Day” Michelangelo's “Day” has often been described as the symbol of rebellion against slavery.
We think in fact when we see this sculpture of those of the “Prisoners” made by Michelangelo for the tomb of Pope Julius II, and that can be admired at the Accademia Gallery in Florence.
In contrast to the other sculptures of the sacristy, many saw it as the embodiment of revolt, life, the light of Christ, fire, freedom, action, pain, anger, disgust or even vengeance.
The “Day” is symmetrical to the “Night”.
He is lying on his right on the lid of the sarcophagus of the Duke of Nemours Giuliano de Medici.

Michelangelo, “Day” Michelangelo wrote the following verses about the “Day” and “Night” of the tomb of Giuliano de Medici:
“El Di e la Notte parlano, e dicono :
Noi abbiàno col nostro veloce corso condotto alla morte el duca Giuliano ;
è ben giusto che e’ ne facci vendetta come fa.
E la vendetta è questa :
Che avendo noi morti lui,
lui così morto ha tolto la luce a noi e cogli occhi chiusi ha
serrato e nostri, che non rispendon più sopra la terra.
Che arrebbe di noi dunche fatto, mentre vivea?”
Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michelangelo, “Day”
“Day and Night talk and say:
Through our fast race, we have led to the death of Duke Giuliano;
It is normal for him to take revenge for it.
And his revenge is this:
As we killed him,
He has deprived us of the light and his eyes closed,
It has shut down ours that no longer shine on the earth.
What would have happened to us if he were still alive?”
This “Day” awake dominates us with the gaze.
The rough and amber treatment of the marble of the “Day” opposes the lunar clarity of marble polished like a mirror of the statue of the “Night”.

Michelangelo, “Day” The face of the “Day” carved in its raw state barely lets us guess its features and thus refers to the sunlight that blinds us and blurs our vision.
The rendering of this unfinished face is incredibly modern.
This face full of shadows and reliefs makes us think of the brush strokes of a Van Gogh canvas, and this rough treatment further accentuates the expression of the face, making it even more present and alive.
A face that seems to emerge from the depths and distant obscure.
The powerful bust of the "Day" was compared to the torso of the Belvedere Apollo, a work that Michelangelo knew well.
Giuliano's Tomb Duke Giuliano | The Night | The Day
Sculptures Sacristy | Lorenzo Magnificent | Dawn and Dusk | Night and Day | Michelangelo Drawings
Medici Prince's Chapel | Michelangelo Sacristy | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
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